Friday, November 27, 2009

Lovely Day

I wonder... Why do they always give not-so-goodlooking guys the "nice guy" part in Korean dramas? But in the end they always end up girl-less. The main girls character always end up with the not-so-nice hotties. That's like the typical plot for Korean dramas. Moral of the story: Nice guys always finish last. There is no point being so nice when all the girls are hogged up by the goodlooking evil guys (no, goodlooking is an understatement! The boys that get the girls are stunningly adorable, like super!)

And like Korean dramas having typical plots I have typical conversations with Aisyah.

Me: Boleh kaka makan?
Aisyah: Inda boleh
Me: Mengapa kaka inda boleh makan?
Aisyah: Sebab aisyah inda suyuh
Me: Mengapa aisyah inda suruh?
Aisyah: *enlarges eyes* *says really slowly* Sebab. Aisyah. Inda. Suyuh.

Apparently my 2 year old sister thinks I'm slow. Great. Just awesome.
