Saturday, May 8, 2010

KKEB (Karna Kutau Engkau Begitu)

The title of the above song? Malay song! Hahaha Thanks to Waqi... He's always singing this song.

People say they hate the second semester. I'd say... Not really. Yes, my workload increased from last semester since I took 5 modules this semester and only 4 modules last semester but somehow I don't hate the workload. I'd say second semester was bearable because of all the friends I gained and the friends that I wasn't really close with before but grew attached to. Also friends I was originally close with but became closer due to brunch.

Also: unlike semester one I had one day free (Thursday). Semester one required me to go to uni every single miserable day (my favourite day then was Tuesday, even if I had to stay in uni until 6). Oh and tennis! Tennis is awesome.

I really treasure every single time I've spent. I'm really really grateful, I feel so loved and I really love my friends and I've really learnt to love UBD.

Though I'm still missing people who aren't there to share all my mature university moments with me. Those people oversea*coughhuiraicmnulcaesarhayaadeqcough*. Those people working*coughlingycough*. Those people I rarely see who are in ITB*coughsuemeipszimcough*.


PS. Wow! I spent the whole post being serious! :D Kudos!