Thursday, March 19, 2009

Beauty queen

What's new? haha finally able to get a job...

I would like to say sorry to dayah for the surprise attacks i always spring on her... have fun wherever you are (from what i heard really really far wherever you are)

i don't like addressing something as being on my right or my left because i can't tell left from right... i'm slow at deciding which is right and which is left... yeap that's about it... that's all i needed to say


What do your friends call you?
- theres too many to mention bah the main one saja: Qibah

When is your birthday?
- 14th August 1990

Are u a hard drinker?
- Who doesn't drink water?

Beauty is..
- Skin deep

Favorite Movie.
- I don't do favouritism except when we talk about colours and koreans.

Provide some of your choice numbers.
- haha choose? 1234567890

Name some of your favorite hang outs.
- I'm happy to hangout anywhere if my friends are there

Are you a party girl/boy?
- I like to dance (hantam) but no i hate loud places

Is there someone mad at you?
- maybe there is, i'm just not sure who

Name some of your friends.
- yoo bin, snow white, jason mraz, darth vader, etc..

A friend is..
- seorang kawan

What is more important? Love one? Or your Friends?
- i think i can juggle both since my love one is also my friend

Did a time come that you had 2 or more bf / gf?
- i have 2 now! haha adeq jua yoo bin jua

Who was the last person you dated?
- i think it was adeq, not so sure about that but yeah (haha awuwah deqqq)

What is Love?
- undescribable (different people different describtion)

Is there any one of your exes and friends of yours whom you know are together now? who are they?
- tell me if there is haha

How about a message for your ex?
- hmmm.... hey~

Say something to your bf/gf?
- hey! haha

Tag 5 people:

i tag no oneeeee

-Qibah off to lalala-