Saturday, February 4, 2012


How do you get rid of an obsession? How do you control an addiction? How do you fall out of love?

I'm obsessed with Infinite.

I'm addicted to Infinite.

I'm in love with Infinite.

I need help. Before I sleep I think of Nam Woohyun and his toe-curling aegyo. While I listen to lectures Kim Myungsoo invades my mind (for five second before I snap out of it). When I laugh Jang Dongwoo echoes through my brain. Candy reminds me of Lee Sungjong. Animals forces me to roll around in thoughts of Lee Sunggyu. Hip hop + RnB + licking lips = Lee Howon. When I see people playing pool, tennis, golf or bowl (and even when I see watermelons) Lee Sungyeol's childish laugh follows me around.

I seriously need help.


Ps. Tell me when you've find a cure for obsession, addiction and love.