Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Baby Goodnight

I had a very weird dream last night. It was about 2PM again.

Every single time 2PM performs there is someone selling ice-cream beside their stage and because they're performing they never get to eat it. One day, Jundyu the panda said he wanted to taste the ice-cream because the fans looked as if they were enjoying them. So on their free day, they performed FOR FREE just to eat the ice-cream. Instead of singing and dancing on stage they were down the stage with their fans eating ice-cream. They didn't stop until they've tasted every single flavour. Chansung ate more than one flavour at once and just stuffed everything in his mouth.

lol and I was really close to Jundyu in the dream which is so weird, hahahaha macam best friend. They were about to start dancing and singing, then I woke up. lol My friendship with Jundyu didn't last long :( I actually IGNORED Wooyoung in my dream. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???
