Monday, September 27, 2010

Ice Cream

Well I'm suppose to do my report right now but as usual I'm distracted by the internet. That's so Qibah hahaha Falling down and being clumsy is also a "that's so Qibah" according to the group that I talked to this morning. Also, being all spaced out and slow is also a "that's so Qibah". Yeah, thanks gais... I now know I'm like this...

Can't I control my natural clumsiness or my forgetfulness or my slowness? If I can then please tell me how. I am desperate to know lol

But I've tried... And I can't! Really! I'm just meant to be the girl you laugh at because she tripped and fell on her bum or her face. She trips on almost anything: flat land, chairs, flat land, a minor bump on the road, flat land, stairs, flat land, etc... Oh wait, have I said flat land?

Summary of this post: I'm not good at walking. I'm slow. I'm forgetful. There's nothing good about me ahahaha.

On a happier another note, mid-semester break just ended and my English teacher gave us more work to do. Why is this happy? I have no idea... I just found out we have a Korean listening test tomorrow (I haven't prepared at all)... Again, this is not happy. I have TWO reports to submit on Thursday (but I'm almost done, so I guess this is a good news?). Adeq's going back to UK soon, FML not happy.

I had to cancel the word "happy" in the last paragraph. There's nothing happy going on in my life right now. I just have to be happy that I'm alive and is eating well. Alhamdulillah.

I guess I can be happy when I'm working, not right now when I'm studying which makes me want to just finish my masters if I get the chance without starting work because if I like the work that I'm doing I won't want to leave it for studying in university. So if I get the chance I'll do my masters, Insya Allah.
