Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cinderella Shoe


I went to Gadong last night to have dinner (with the whole family) and there we're people wearing costumes! IN BRUNEI!!!! I never knew they celebrate Halloween here... There was this one guy wearing a blonde moustache (because he was blonde) plus a pink tutu... Very cute! They were ang mos, chineses and friends of these two (malays)... They all seem very young, in their teen years (*laughs* I sound so old, I'm only 19)

One had a lightsaber >.< I dreamt that I could fly~ That I understood every single physics law that the world held. Whether they were discovered or undiscovered and that understanding allowed me to fly just with a single jump. Soaring in the air like a bird. It was a great feeling. Adrenaline rushing. And then I woke up. *sigh*

I.Am.A.Super.Download.Freak. Superdy duper
