Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Don't Care

*sniff* I wish I could not care but so many things to care about, so little time...

First: I miss Adeq, haven't seen him for a very very very long time.

Second: I miss Huan Hui and I long to go jalan with her... I cannot just leave to die of boredom, girl but I'm somewhat busy making money to put bacon on the table (Cis! Macam banar si Qibah ani... Padahal my pay is used to buy food for lunch)

Third: I am dying to know the outcome of my appeal arah MOE, what is taking them so long to reply? Call me anytime, I'm quite free to receive calls from you... In fact I'm quite free to take any calls from anyone *coughs*

Fourth: The system is currently down at my work place... You know what this means??? No incoming invoice (since they have to input it first) thus, I must say that I am quite free at work too! They are paying me $15 per day to walk, talk and smile.

Fifth: I eat a lot. No, it's not exagerrated (unless I say I can eat an elephant then it is). I eat a lot. Was that repeated? I guess it is... But it is the undeniable truth. I can't seem to stop. Even when I'm in the office I munch on things. So I guess people should expect me to gain weight in the near future. My weight is still constantly staying at 44kg *is thankful*

What have I learnt from non-stop eating? No, it has nothing to do with when you swallow you gain but more of steamboat is fun! Yes, for allergy girl Qibah, I enjoy steamboat. Especially when someone is there to eat your seafood (i.e. Lim Lee Min) and someone is there to stare at you stuff yourself (i.e. Janet Ong)... Stuffing myself is not an exagerration, it is the ultimate truth... I was silent during the whole thing because my mouth is constantly full... Am I attractive or what? *winkwink* I'll be waiting for your call where you can give me things through the phone *hits self because is being annoyingly lame*


-Qibah off to dance-